Chrysalis Executive Development
My name is Christina Bachini and I work with individuals and teams within organisations, who have recognised the need for change, I provide a highly effective catalyst for transformation.
I have been working as an executive development coach, team coach and facilitator for over 25 years.
I trained as a humanistic psychologist and counsellor in the early 1980′s which gave me a deep understanding and grounding in how people think, feel and react. Later I went on to develop skills in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). I have attended numerous trainings and workshops all to develop my skills and abilities for helping people to achieve their dreams and goals.
Transformational Coaching
My skill is being able to take you straight to the heart of the matter through a journey of self-discovery.
The purpose of this exploration is to uncover and reframe unwanted patterns of behaviours, attitudes, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, all of which can lead to uncomfortable or unwanted feelings and reactions.
These are the unconscious drivers that get in your way of success and excellence.
Chrysalis Process
Two decades ago, I developed a two-day intensive programme which blends several of the most powerful change methods from the coaching world.
During the Chrysalis Process you begin with a persistent issue, often something that you have already had feedback from others about or something that you have already noticed about yourself.
The energy that is needed to hold a limitation in place is extensive, it shows up as an unwanted behaviour, belief or attitude about yourself or others, releasing this limitation released energy and increases self-awareness.
By the end of the process you will be free of the limitations and able to perform from a place of freedom and energy which is authentic.
The process is generative, and you will notice positive results in many areas of your life,
In other words, after an intense, relatively short period of inner work a transformation takes place.
Executive Coaching
I take people on an expedition, an archaeological dig if you like, as I am helping you to uncover what is already there but has been hidden through time.
This uncovering is to help you to understand your learned behaviours, how they shape who you are now, particularly the things that are stopping you being the very best they can be.
By enabling you to reframe your history, you become freer to express yourself authentically; your increased energy will also have a positive impact on how you approach work/life balance.
By trusting yourself and letting go of self-limiting beliefs, you will be more trusted by others and this creates a positive ripple effect throughout your relationships, teams and your organisation. Trust is the mainstay of successful relationships.
Leadership Teams
Through 1:1 and teamwork we explore the unconscious dynamics between individuals, the hidden agendas and automatic response behaviours that get in the way of authenticity and trust.
When teams have a high level of trust, hidden qualities are uncovered creating a team system that is effective, aligned. By creating supportive collaborative conversations, debate and focussed actions a healthy function team can tackle any obstacle to become highly effective.
I have a history of working with many sectors including, Pharmaceutical, Finance, Telecommunications, Civil Aviation, Public Sectors, working with emerging leaders and executives.
Coach Supervision
Supervision and Professional Development Group
Who is the group for: Executive Coaches, Career and Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Personal Development Practitioners
- Gaining understanding from others in a supportive and questioning environment.
- Joining with other professionals to discuss case studies
- Being part of a like minded enriching network.
- Opportunities to network and socialise.
- Ensure that coach, client and organisation needs are met.
- Help coach make shift inside of themselves that will create shift in client
These are just some of the benefits for anyone joining this supervision group
If any of the above is on interest to you or someone who you know, ask for further information on how to join and participate in this exciting forum, which already has a track record going back 10 years.
Success Stories
Change of Direction
Presenting Issue: Loss of career direction & focus on future path.
I began working with Christina deeply sceptical that coaching of any kind could change how I felt about myself and my situation. Not fulfilling my potential was, I felt, my destiny in life.
Following a recommendation I spent a short time with Christina who helped me to convince myself that change was possible, and over a period of time she helped me make the changes that I wanted to make.
Why has it worked for me? I think that Christina is able to help you see the potential that you have and find the keys to unlock it. I always feel that this process is a partnership between us. I have never looked too closely at how it works – the trust that Christina has created has never made that necessary.”
A.W Business Analyst
Stepping into Power
Presenting Issue: Lack of confidence and mild depression.
I work in IT in the City and I was having a rather bad time at work and feeling quite depressed in myself. Basically I felt like I was trying to be someone I wasn’t and do what I thought was right for everyone else rather than me. This was affecting my work I started seeing Christina and found it very useful to speak to someone who was “independent” and was prepared to listen. She stepped back and listened to what my issues were. What was strange was all my feelings came flooding out. I have never been so open with friends or family.
In Christina’s sessions we analysed some of my beliefs and feelings . This involved looking at my childhood, school days etc… I learnt a great deal about myself and soon began to realise what was causing me to feel and behave the way I did. Christina has an amazing skill of helping you understand the obvious and I will always remember one quote which was “Everything we are discussing and all the insights you are having, you already know, I am just helping you to acknowledge them.”. She has helped me put my life into perspective and realised what is important and what is not.
I already am 100% better than I was and am leaving my job to follow a career in theatre I cannot explain enough how grateful I am to Christina for her help. She listens, is caring, has a huge amount of knowledge, does not judge and has a genuine desire to help. I have a whole new outlook and it is like a weight of my mind and a breath of fresh air.
Thanks to Christina.
D.B I.T.Consultant
Life and Career Choices
Presenting Issue: A very low point in my life.
I didn’t like my job, my confidence and self-esteem were at an all time low and, most importantly, my marriage (of 10 years) was on the rocks.
Meeting Christina and going through the Chrysalis Process was, quite simply, a life changing event for me. As the main priority in my life was to patch my marriage up I was sceptical that the process (which concentrated purely on me and not on my relationship with my husband) could help.
When I met Christina I was struck by her great personal presence and she immediately put me at ease. Christina took me through the process with great care and sensitivity and for two days carefully peeled away all of the limiting beliefs and doubts I had about myself, some of which I didn’t even know I had.
I can only describe the process as someone who cares for you holding up a mirror and helping you see why you have the beliefs about yourself. She helped me understand the root of the problems I was experiencing and that I had the power to change things if I truly wanted to. At the end of the process I felt completely drained, however, slowly at first, things did begin to change and within 6 months I had left my job, was on a 5 month career break with a great job lined up for the end of it and was taking a second honeymoon with my husband. Going through the process has had a lasting effect on me and five years on, I have never been happier both in terms of my personal and professional life…
Thanks Christina
R. T (H.R. Director)
Focussing and Goal Setting
Presenting Issue: “My ducks were definitely not in a row”.
I worried too much. At my age and in my position I should have been confident in what the future holds and be clear in my direction with a sound career plan laid out. Why am I the only one who has doubts about me and my potential? I am almost fifty and I was holding me back!
Through working with Christina I was helped to understand why, faced with certain everyday situations, I responded in certain ways. Why events in my childhood led me to act ‘inappropriately’ as my childhood self, in certain ‘grown-up situations’ rather than with the appropriate adult response.
I now have a better understanding of why I had feelings of doubt when I needed confidence, fear of what might happen rather than what actually does and subconsciously acting out the wrong response. I was helped to revisit, better understand and quickly correct these inappropriate feelings for good. I am now getting on with my life with a new confidence. I’ve been able to see what others see in me and I feel good about myself. I’ve already got a game plan in place and have taken ‘significant decisions’ about my future which I know will ultimately enhance my work performance. I am extremely grateful
MNWB Operations Manager
Living into Potential
Presenting Issue: Dealing with self-imposed inhibitors.
Personal coaching to enhance my potential, understand the reasons for my self-imposed inhibitors resulting in the attainment of a senior management role.
I understand where my previous ‘resistors’ came from, I can understand why I might react in a certain way and can ‘handle’ myself, I have achieved an emotional groundedness, which has been really useful in the work context.
I have a level of self-esteem I’ve never had before both inside and outside of the working environment. I know when I need a top-up! I have attained a director role – level and remuneration – which I knew I was capable of but did not previously have the emotional wherewithal to believe I could attain. I have more plans for the future. I have also recommended Christina to two senior executives who seeing the results I have attained are starting to work with her.
J.C International H.R.Director
Building Team Cohesion
Presenting Issue:
Desire to Build a stronger Foundation for Personal Growth in the company.
New Management Team in place that needed to understand the Team Goals and determine how to work together to achieve them
Desire to Build a stronger Foundation for Personal Growth in the company.
Results achieved:
A team that understood each other and could work as a unit. Able to clearly understand the Goals and focus all the resources to achieve – The real result was that we exceeded our “Stretch” Target for the Division by over 20% – Best Year Ever
Much more comfortable with myself, increased confidence in allowing natural capability to shine – resulting in superior performance and promotion.
M.S. Deputy M.D
Performance Enhancement
Presenting Issue: Personal development to adapt my approach to work within a large organisation.
To provide a wider range of approaches and responses to maximise interfaces within and outside the organisation.
To enhance performance of self and others.
To enable dialogue with senior management on the same level.
To re-open previously closed stratagem to creative thinking and approach.
Results achieved:
A more balanced approach to most subjects. The tendency to ‘jump in’ is now significantly reduced allowing more breathing space. Consequently I am better able to appreciate others’ drivers and communicate at a more appropriate level to achieve my own agenda. Achieving performance from others is less aggressive and therefore less stressful and much easier. Open dialogue with senior management is encouraged in the organisation.
I am more comfortable in this environment than before. The creative approach is returning apace and benefits many aspects of work (eg more lateral problem solving) as well as domestic life. In my experience, I was keen to introduce personal change to my approach and the work carried out was a great success. To achieve best results, I believe there should be a willingness to change.
G.M Senior Quantity Surveyor
Positive Choices
Presenting Issue: At a career crossroads and wanting to make positive choices. Wanting to fulfil potential and release inner strengths.
Teams are dynamic, living and changing organisms with issues constantly arising and needing resolution if the team is to increase its performance and achieve its goals. When teams are willing to look at how each individual impacts on the others within the team and work through difficulties as they arise, safety and trust increases dramatically.
Chrysalis has a network of highly qualified associates focused on team development.
We provide flexible programmes to meet the objectives of our clients, enabling them to make the most of learning opportunities and to meet and exceed objectives.
Our programmes embrace participatory learning methods and are designed to set out clear, outcome-focused objectives.
We believe the Chrysalis approach is highly effective because we know it enables positive achievement in attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs.
Identifying this level of change in an individual allows them to transfer results into the business environment easily and effectively. By enabling individuals understand how they impact on others, is a highly effective way to transform the team into a business environment that is both happy and effective.
We work with real live in-the-moment issues and bring about resolution, our events are challenging and rewarding for those taking part who want to make a real difference to how they perform.
If you are interested in learning more about Team Building and Coaching, please contact me.
Free Downloads
CREATING BALANCE Part 1 – Family and Friends
CREATING BALANCE Part 3 – Relationships
CREATING BALANCE Part 4 – Health and Fitness
CREATING BALANCE Part 5 – Finances
CREATING BALANCE Part 6 – Leisure and Fun
CREATING BALANCE Part 7 – Personal Development
CREATING BALANCE Part 8 – Spirituality
All Articles
About Me
Professional Qualifications
- Cert. Counselling. Reading University
- Human Psychology. Surrey University Post Graduate Diploma (2 Years) Facilitator styles (IDHP).
- N.L.P. Practitioner
- Diploma in. Ericksonian Hypnosis
- Master Practitioner
- Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Training
- N.L.P. Master Trainers Programme
- Language and Behaviour Profiling
- Symbolic Modelling. Coaching technique
- Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling
- Advanced Symbolic Modelling
- Co-active Coaching
- Certificate in Supervision for Coaches & Mentors
She still regularly attends training workshops to further her skills, knowledge and experience.
She brings with her a background in understanding the deep structure of what is happening for people and works to raise awareness to what is happening at an unconscious level.
She believes that, for some people, making a physical representation of the issue is the way through it. She therefore has skills and abilities in the use of creativity – i.e. drawing, painting, mask making, clay work, sand sculpting – just to name a few. With the creation of a concrete model a change in perspective can take place at the subconscious level.
To join Christina and Lindsey Wheeler for their Creative Workshops and to learn more about this side of her work: Or social media
The ChrisLin Method: 5 Steps for Working Creatively with Imagery & Metaphor
A step-by-step guide to facilitating lasting transformation, presented in a practical, clear and approachable way, The ChrisLin Method deserves a prominent place in any practitioner’s toolkit.
Since the beginning of time, people of the world have expressed themselves through art, music, dance, drama and storytelling. In their groundbreaking book, Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler offer practitioners – counsellors, coaches, art therapists and anyone engaged in delivering therapy or facilitating personal development – a practical guide to integrating creativity into their practice.
Built on 50+ years of collective experience, The ChrisLin Method uses creativity to help clients look at the underlying, unconscious drivers that affect their unhelpful emotions. It is through creatively exploring these unhelpful emotions that clients can untangle their inner world.
With easy to follow Steps, Core Questions, Frameworks and Case Studies, this comprehensive method will enable you to:
- Understand how creativity works
- Know when to offer creativity to your clients
- Be confident in using The ChrisLin Method as an intervention
- Learn how to work with your client’s creation.
Contact Me
Chrysalis Executive Development
Mob: 07970 745356
Tel: 0118 979 0677
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